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Believing that the resurrection of Jesus Christ really happened is not enough. Simply accepting that it happened – does not automatically make the resurrection of Jesus Christ a living hope in your life.

But here is what can. Has the resurrection of Jesus invaded your heart and your life? Invaded right into the core of your deepest longings, hopes, losses?

The cross and resurrection of Jesus – together – bring the future new creation – the power of God to renew and heal the entire world – into our present lives.

When Christ died on the cross – the veil was torn in two. We are no longer separated from the holy presence of God – but God’s presence can come to us. And because Christ is risen, because Christ is alive – God’s presence does come to us even now.

The New Testament uses a few images that help us – both Christ and the Holy Spirit are “firstfruits,” are “downpayments,” are “first installments,” on the future triumph over death and the future renewal of the world. This renewing power from the future is here. It’s here now. Actually. Substantially. 

Here’s an invitation to you for this weekend. Take some time. And name the things. Name the things you have lost this year. Plans that never were. Hopes that were dashed. Dreams that were suspended. Disappointments. People you haven’t been able to see or to hug. Those you love who have died. Name the losses, the deaths. They are many.  

And then imagine again that you bring these losses and place them in a tomb. Perhaps use a jar or a bowl. Close the lid, cover it. And put it in a dark place – perhaps a closet.

And when Sunday comes . . . open that jar. Take the cover off of that bowl.

And take each of those things you have named. Read them. One at a time.

Ask the Holy Spirit to invade your life – right at the places of your deepest losses – with the resurrection power of a God who invades our lives with the power that will one day make all things well again.

Ask for a taste of that power now. A first-fruit. A first-installment. A down-payment. Enough to revive your hope and make it alive again.

I pray that resurrection hope invades your life this Easter. Down deep into the places you most desperately need it.

He is Risen.

That changes everything.

Have a blessed Easter,

Pastor Tim