Our Core Values describe our deepest commitments and deep longings for our future. These values reflect what is most important to us. They guide and shape our decision making and behaviour as a community.
It is through living the Gospel that we grow and are transformed as followers of Jesus at every age. We never stop needing the power of the Gospel to grow from the youngest child to the oldest senior. We are committed to growing, learning, and being equipped in the process of being conformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others.
We seek to have a holistic and multi-generational vision to our faith formation. We strive to make mental and emotional health an integral part of our growth as disciples of Jesus. We will celebrate stories of changed lives as we grow in grace together. We long to see every generation investing in and blessing those that go before them and those that follow after them. We seek to be disciples of Jesus that make disciples of Jesus that make disciples. We will invest in the next generation and pass the mantle of leadership.
Prayer is central and foundational to us, and we constantly pray for all peoples. We believe that
prayer is vital to our growth in the Gospel. Prayer is how we are empowered and sent out on mission. It is through prayer that the Kingdom of God advances in the world and through prayer that the Gospel will advance in our city. The gates of our city will only be opened through prayer. We seek to relentlessly grow in prayer as a congregation, never outgrowing our radical dependency upon God in prayer.
The Holy Spirit sends and empowers us for the mission that God has given to us. The Spirit goes
before us. The Spirit empowers us. The Spirit is the only one who can change people's hearts and
transform our city. We will seek to grow in becoming an intentionally Holy Spirit led community. And
so we will help create a context for greater openness to the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Gospel makes us a church for others. The Gospel frees us from living selfishly for ourselves, to
living generously for others, including those who have no connection to a church. Therefore we will
see ourselves as a missionary people sent to serve and to bless the people and communities God
has sent us to. As a missionary people, our engagement with culture will lead us to seek creative ways to embody and communicate the Gospel so that it both connects with our present cultural realities and challenges the dominant idols of our culture.
We seek to actively create relationships with people not connected to a church. We will intentionally
welcome non-Christians in all that we do. We seek to communicate not simply what we believe, but
also why, and in a way that invites questions and dialogue. We also seek to create contexts where it is safe for people to come as they are, for the curious and skeptical to ask questions, and for
relationships to develop and flourish. The Gospel makes us a people for others.
The Gospel creates true community and transforms our relationships with one another. The Gospel
creates a community of grace that is marked by welcome, acceptance, and support. It is this new
community of grace that is the context for growth in grace and mission together.
The Gospel makes us whole and empowers us to build healthy relationships in community. We seek
to embody healthy communication, healthy patterns of leadership, healthy relationships, and healthy emotional lives. We seek to be a place where we can be open about our journeys with emotional and mental health.We seek to build healthy community.
Because the Gospel humbles us and assures us we are all deeply valued and loved, we are freed
from envy and pride, inferiority and superiority, so that we might love and sen/e others regardless of age, gender, race, or background. The Gospel also breaks down all barriers and makes us one. We will seek to be a church that celebrates and reflects the growing cultural diversity of our city. We believe this will enable us to experience a greater richness in our worship and service, and also bear witness to the power of the Gospel in our communities. We will learn to develop an appreciation and respect for different people and different cultures. We intentionally seek to be a multi-generational and multi-ethnic community.
The Gospel also invites us to be vulnerable with each other as we live in community with one another. In our vulnerability, we experience the power of God's grace to both love and be loved by one another. We therefore seek to create a community of interdependence where we experience love and care for one another and resist the temptation to live independent, isolated lives.
We seek to encourage, support and empower families. We want to do all we can to encourage
families to flourish. We seek to encourage parents in their calling to disciple their children. We seek to find ways to practically support families as they face the pressures and challenges of following Christ in today's world. We want to celebrate every member of each family in their successes and joys throughout their whole life. We want to support every member of each family in their struggles and challenges as well. We strive to be a community that empowers families to grow together as followers of Jesus, sent with the Gospel to transform our community and world.
That larger network is called "The Christian Reformed Church of North America." To find out more about what our churches believe, click here: our beliefs.