This is the not the first time that God's people have faced a pandemic. What can we learn from the past?
That was a question I started to wonder about last week as the spread of COVID-19 continued. I asked Tomas Axeland if he would be willing to do some research into this question and share what he discovered.
In today's blog, I invite you to watch part 1 of a 3-part series that Tomas Axeland and I filmed this week. Tomas and I discuss what Tomas discovered through his research into the past.
We hope you find some encouragement and perspective as you listen in to our discusison and discover with us what we can learn from the journey of God's people in past times as they faced plagues and awful pandemics.
This morning and last night I started to "lose it." Waves of tears are sweeping over me. I think my heart and my emotions are starting to catch up with what is actually happening around the world and in our lives. I am learning to lament. I am learning the disciplines of distress. It's not easy. But as I cry out to God I find strength beyond myself. I find an anchor in the midst of this storm.
May God continue to strengthen you daily. May God replace your despair with hope. May God hang on to you tightly. May God walk beside each one of us through these very uncertain times.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Tim