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Demanding respect is like chasing a butterfly. Chase it, and you’ll never catch it. Sit still, and it may land on your shoulder. Those who talk about their need for respect sound like people with a head bigger than their hat size. Their efforts to boost their standing come of as empty bragging.
The French philosopher Blaise Pascal asked, “Do you wish people to speak well of you? Then don’t speak well of yourself.” Maybe that’s why the Bible says, “Don’t praise yourself. Let someone else do it.”
Do you feel a need for affirmation? Does your self-esteem need attention? You don’t need to drop names or show off. You need only pause at the base of the cross and be reminded of this: the maker of the stars would rather die for you than live without you. And that is a fact. So if you need to brag, brag about that.
Reflection –
Have you been around people who always brag about themselves? Who are always trying to make themselves look good to others? Don’t be one of those. You have a Lord who loves you for eternity. Boast about him, and leave all other bragging to others. This can be such a tough one. In the days of trolling, attacks and the barrage of social media responses, I know there are times when we could really use some encouragement or to feel appreciated and respected. If I can give you a solid piece of wisdom, be that encouragement for other people. Lift people up. Tell them how awesome they are and how awesome the God we serve is. Brag about God and encourage others. Then surround yourself with people that lift you up and encourage you. These choices can be the difference maker.

You're Awesome
Love ya

I showed this video in church one Sunday. It’s for you today.