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1 Peter 3:12 –

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers.

What do you do when you run out of gas? Maybe you haven’t had this problem, but all of us run out of something. You need kindness, but the gauge is on empty. You need hope, but the needle is in the red. You want five gallons of solutions but can only muster a few drops.

My first thought when I run out of fuel is, “How can I get this car to a gas pump?” Your first thought when you have a problem should be, “How can I get this problem to Jesus?”

So let’s get practical. You and a sibling are about to battle it out again as you are constantly in one another’s space. The thunderstorm looms on the horizon. Both of you need patience, but both tanks are empty. What if one of you calls, “Time-out”? What if one of you says, “Let’s talk to Jesus before we talk to each other. In fact, let’s talk to Jesus until we can talk to each other”?

Couldn’t hurt. After all, he broke down the walls of Jericho. Perhaps he could do the same for yours.

Thought –

Jesus knows you and exactly what you are facing. He has a bit of experience dealing with people and their problems. Talk to him about what you’re facing. Ask for his wisdom and understanding. He’ll listen.

This song has got me through many conflicts.

Listen and be encouraged this morning.

Love ya
